Mobile work platforms for crane production

Eine neue Dimension an Arbeitssicherheit und Effizienz: Liebherr, einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Fahrzeugkranen, nutzt in seinem Werk für Mobilkrane in Ehingen ab sofort mobile und bis zu 5,90 Meter lange Arbeitsplattformen mit integrierter Treppe der Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik. Diese sparen den Mitarbeitenden in der Endmontage nicht nur viel Zeit, sondern garantieren ihnen auch ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit und ermöglichen ihnen ein besonders ergonomisches Arbeiten bei allen Montagetätigkeiten an den Oberwagen der Mobilkrane.

The highlight of the new constructions from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik: Since the superstructure has to be turned again and again in the course of the assembly work, the employees can simply fold down the scissor railings of the platform with a flick of the wrist whenever it is necessary, so that the superstructure can be swivelled freely through 360 degrees. As soon as the scissor railing is unfolded and locked in place again, work can be continued safely. The operation of the folding function is particularly comfortable and ergonomic. When climbing onto the platform, the workers can take the guardrail with them and fold it up with one grip. To prevent uncontrolled folding, the folding mechanism is secured with a gas pressure damper.

With its investment in occupational safety, Liebherr in Ehingen is fully in line with the trend. When investing in occupational safety, more and more companies are focusing on the benefit that results from a return on prevention (ROP), which according to science is 2.2. This means that every euro invested in occupational safety is returned by a factor of 2.2 - in the form of lower costs for accidents, lost working hours or operational disruptions. This is the result of a study initiated jointly by the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and the Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Energy, Textiles, Electrical and Media Products (BG ETEM).